Budget Watchdog All Federal
The podcast dedicated to making sense of the budget, spending, and tax issues facing the nation. Cut through the partisan rhetoric and talking points for the facts about what's being talked about, bandied about, and pushed in Washington. Budget Watchdog AF is brought to you by Taxpayers for Common Sense.
Budget Watchdog All Federal
FY '25 Budget Request
Taxpayers For Common Sense
Season 1
Episode 65
Budget Watchdog AF considers President Biden’s $7.3 Trillion Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request. A budget that proposes a 4.5% cut in discretionary spending from the previous fiscal year and a reduction in budget deficits by nearly $3 trillion over the next decade. But how rosy are the economic growth projections upon which this budget request is built? And what gimmicks are baked in there to create illusions in the out years? TCS President Steve Ellis is joined by TCS Director of Policy and Research Josh Sewell and Policy Analyst Gabe Murphy.